Keeping the San Marcos River Clean and Beautiful

The River Is Our Passion
From the beginning, our founder, Richard Lawrence and his team have been passionate about keeping the river clean and safe for everyone. We opened the year that the can ban took effect on the Comal River, and we couldn’t understand why it was so hard to keep the river clean. Our thought was that with a little dedication and some hard work, we could keep the river clean and safe. Safety is an issue because certain types of litter like broken aluminum can injure floaters. Maintaining good stewardship of the river is the right thing to do for the environment, the beauty of our community, and it ensures that we can enjoy the unique pleasure of floating the river far into the future.
Top To Bottom
In the first year we began doing “top river” cleanups, meaning that we cleaned everything visible at the surface. We now do top river cleanups every day, and we’ve incorporated a third party dive company to help get to the litter that’s beneath the surface. Don’s Fish Camp’s team also helps us, and we’re very grateful for the assistance.
The Cost Is Worth It
Almost all of the cost cleaning up the river is an expense for us, but we believe it’s well worth it. We started this business because we love the river, and seeing its beauty every day is a treasure. And even if we can keep one person from getting hurt, that’s meaningful. From a convenience standpoint, if we keep the river clean we can avoid a can ban like the one enforced on the Comal River.
Want To Help?
If you’re interested in getting involved, there’s a way to help:
Donate to the Texas River Alliance, which is a non-profit we’ve started, which is dedicated to upkeep of the San Marcos River. Check out our Facebook page here.
Most importantly, be a good steward of the river every time you float. Pick up all of your trash, mind the rules, and don’t bring any glass or Styrofoam. If you see loose trash, try to grab it whenever possible.
Let’s all work together and keep the San Marcos a beautiful and healthy river forever!